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Neutra Bleach

Article number: NeutraBleach-1gal
Availability: In stock (26)

NEUTRA BLEACH is utilized as a secondary roof rinse to neutralize corrosive bleach crystals
before reaching drip lines.

Bleach Streak on glass results from poor rinsing of bleach solutions when they contact hot panes.
NEUTRA BLEACH removes bleach streak.

A regular spray down with NEUTRA BLEACH at days end will neutralize bleach crystals on
equipment, trailers and vehicles, helping to protect from rapid corrosion.
Pumps, sprayers, hoses and fittings can be flushed, thus stopping premature repairs and

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Pre-rinse all surfaces to be treated. Mix 8 - 16 oz. with 5 gallons of water
for low pressure spray applications on windows or to spray down equipment. Mix 8 - 16 oz. per
5gallon for X-Jet application. Mix 15 - 24oz per 5 gallon for downstream injectors. Rinse lightly.



SDS - Neutra Bleach

01-02-2022 16:49

Neutralizer seems to work as advertised!

5 stars based on 1 reviews
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